Wednesday, June 20, 2012

i HEART elephants

How can I post 4 days ago talking about how I want to live life active and then go MIA on the blog?  I'm here, but I don't really feel like I am living life.  I was at a conference in DC last week, and they had us booked solid.  I arrived home late Sunday night, worked Monday to come home to making dinner and sending out wedding invites...yay!, and then left for another work trip Tuesday morning.

I feel very unsettled.  Stuff is getting done, but I feel like everything is a mess.  Possibly because my house is a mess and not organized :(  And I don't know when it's going to get better.  As you read this (Wednesday AM), I am driving back from my trip and right back to the office.  Help!!  When am I going to get everything on my to do list done for the wedding and work AND make the rest of my liveable?  Any suggestions?  I am totally open to them!

The one good thing about my trip was some amazing meals and a great trip to the zoo!  Stay tuned for some restaurant reviews (eating well did not work out this week, -65 Points!).  Enjoy my favorite animals from the zoo.  Don't they have the life?!?

i HEART elephants....i even bought a bag that says it :) 

Can you find the gorilla?
So cute you want to pet him, until he bites your hand off!

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